Quick Move Now proud to support key charities

2020 has been an exceptionally difficult year for charities. One report by the Institute of Fundraising suggested that charities could see their income drop by around half this year.

Our charity donations are always very important to everyone here at Quick Move Now, but this year more so than ever. Our chosen charities for 2020 are Prospect Hospice, Naomi House & Jacksplace and Brimble Hill School.

Lisa Curtis from Prospect Hospice explains the impact Covid-19 has had on the charity this year:

Charities donation

“At Prospect we are facing huge challenges due to the pandemic. We are delivering an unprecedented level of care in the community, enabling people to spend their last precious days together with their families, at a time when fundraising all but dried up, our shops closed and the costs of additional service delivery were increasing.

“Just as we were starting to get into flow, the second lockdown was upon us, again forcing our shops to close and income to be lost.

“We launched an appeal to help us cover the £2m deficit we are facing, to help us survive the pandemic, and our community have responded brilliantly raising £1.1m to date, but it still falls well short of what we so desperately need.

“I cannot express just how grateful we are to Quick Move Now, for the incredibly generous donation of £3,500. It is, in itself, a huge contribution, but for us then to have the opportunity to have the donation match-funded and unlock a further £3,500 is just the best news and timing for us.

The donation will help so many patients and families and is so important, now more than ever, to help the hospice survive.”

Danny Luke, Quick Move Now’s managing director, said: “We are so pleased that we’re able to support our three key charities again this year. They all do incredible and much-needed work, and we’re aware that they have all had a very difficult year in terms of reduced activity and therefore reduced income.

“The past year has impacted everyone, but we felt it was tremendously important that we continued to support the invaluable services offered by our three key charities in these challenging times.”

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